Thursday, December 8, 2011

Checking In...

Well.  Three and a half months can sure get away from you!  I kept intending to blog as I continued to can and prepare for winter and our little arrival, but finding 20 minutes to sneak upstairs to write about it proved more difficult than one might think.  Anyway, our little bundle of joy arrived right on her due date:

Adelyn Rose
4 lbs 14 oz
18 1/2 inches long

The entire month leading up to her birth was not what I had envisioned for us at all, but one thing this little girls has taught me is surrender and acceptance!  More on the birth story later.

In other news, I did manage, in those past few months to put up more beautiful things in jars: chicken stock, cranberry sauce, cranberry jelly, apple sauce, apple jelly, vegetable stock.  

My husband's aunt generously cleaned out her basement and donated all her old canning supplies to me.  The neat thing being that she lives in Canada, and many of her jars are vintage Canadian Mason jars!! 

I apologize for the scattered nature of this post, but I wanted to get in a quick update on things before the baby wakes up!