Sunday, August 21, 2011

Canning Galore

I've had the last few days off from work, and that's given me the time and energy to do some more canning!
After a trip to see my grandparents Friday (and a deal scored on a half-bushel of tomatoes) and a trip to the market I was ready to go:
It took 9 1/2 hours but I ended up with: 

9 pints of salsa
8 half-pints of sweet relish
6 pints of pasta sauce
6 half-pints of tomato jam
1 pint of pizza sauce

1 jar of salsa for the fridge
1 jar of tomato jam for the fridge
1 container of diced bell pepper for the freezer

Dinner:  BBQ chicken with corn zucchini and tomato salad.

Also, my mom scored a box of heirloom tomato seconds at the market for free, so I plan on making ketchup with those today and tomorrow!

 My kitchen, mid-project.  Not too bad, but kind of chaotic!

My friend Lindsey came over for some help with Klezmer music, 
and then I put her to work! 
(No worries, I fed her dinner also!)

Phew!  Next weekend I hope to put up some peaches and crushed tomatoes.  And maybe one more batch of salsa...We'll see!

24 weeks and growing!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Catching Up!

It's been forever, I know.  But every time I think "I should blog," I sit down to realize that I don't have anything to say.  So.

It's been a wild ride these past months, with the big news being that we are expecting our first child! I am 23 weeks along with our little one, and we are eagerly anticipating her arrival! (Yes, it's a girl!)

On that note, it took a little extra time to get the garden in this year, as I wanted to expand it and needed more help than in past years:
My husband, brother, and grandfather using the 
oldest rototiller in existence to till the new garden space!

With the garden getting in so late, I felt behind in all my preserving for this year.  Today, I sat down and took stock of what had been done so far, and to my surprise, it's not too shabby!  (Partially thanks to a marathon canning session yesterday with a friend:

Here's what we got so far:
8 pints salsa
30 oz raspberry vinegar
500 mL garlic scape vinegar
3 jars (half-quart?) pickled asparagus
3 8oz jars cherry balsamic preserves
6 half-pints rhubarb chutney
8 half-pints strawberry jam
3 pints raspberry jam
1 pint red&black raspberry jam
2 half-pints blueberry-maple conserve
2 pints apricot jam
2 pints black&blue berry jam
4 half-pints apricot-plum (and a peach!) jam
7 half pints jalapeno jelly

In the freezer: (including some preparations for when baby arrives!)
2 tubs pesto
1 quart garlic scape puree (in cubes)
1 quart chili
1 stuffed zucchini
1 pint caramelized onions
1 dozen pancakes
1 pan stuffed shells
4 quarts blueberries
2 quart bags of multigrain bread slices
1/2 quart green beans (for baby food!)
1/2 quart peas (also for baby food!)
1 cooked sweet potato (again, baby food!)

So I guess being unproductive wasn't really what I was up to, although it certainly feels like it sometimes as I am learning each day to live with this new experience of pregnancy!

As I put up more foods, I will *try* to update counts here!

To answer any lingering/burning questions:  We are due December 2nd.  I am feeling very well, although I tire more easily than in the past.  The baby's room is NOT ready...hopefully more progress on that as the weather cools.  We are not naming her before she is born, we will have a list of names to choose from, but would like to meet her first!  I have not had any strange cravings, just a taste for fresh fruits and veggies, which could be also due to weekly farmers' market trips :)