Saturday, November 7, 2009

I will be a domestic goddess...

I had big plans for today. I was going to get a ton of things done-cleaning the bathroom, canning salsa, making bread, making some Christmas gifts, laundry, pick up bunny supplies for the bunny at work, make ginger ale syrup, pick up some stuff from work so I could finish some of that on time for once.....

I made (a ton of!) salsa and barbecue sauce and mixed the bread dough, which is rising in the fridge. I may get to it today. I may not.
canned salsa

salsa to use soon and freeze

the beginning of my delicious barbecue sauce-
some for this weekend, some to freeze

Why are weekends so difficult to cram everything into? Tomorrow's a wash because I have a gig out of town, and I'll be gone from 10am until at least 7pm...

Also, although I love my stove with the gas cooktop, built in grill, and electric oven, it's too small. I rarely grill indoors because it's uneven heat, and it's a real pain when I can because I can't do anything else. My new (to me) canner is also too large for the burner, and my other pot feels crowded. This one is the smaller one that I had on while the salsa was processing, the big one with the salsa in it was a real squeeze!

Sorry to do so much unloading, it's what happens when my brain gets to much alone time....

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